Saturday, February 24, 2007

I Sang a Song of You

Aboriginal dream art: Maureen Nampajimpa

In some ancient cultures, when a woman wants a baby
She will go to a quiet place and listen
For the sound, the name of the spirit
That wants to be born into her life.

When she hears the name, she makes a song
That she will go home and sing to her lover,
That they will sing together, as they make love
To invite the baby, the spirit to join them in this life.

As she awaits the birth, she sings this song
To teach the baby her name, show her she is wanted.
At the birth, the midwives and father sing this name song
To welcome the spirit to this life.

When the child is hungry, or falls down, or feels sad
Takes her first step, and for other joyful events
Her marriage, the birth of her child, and then, for the last time
As she is returned to heaven and earth at her death,
Her song is sung, so she will know she is wanted,
That she is loved, that she belongs
And that she alone is she.

From the silence of the mountains
With the music of the mata
I sang a song of you.

see Maureen Nampajimpa's art at:

Thursday, February 22, 2007

To Some Degree

For Lori
To some degree, you said
Don't we all, as good parents,
To some degree...

Somehow, to some degree,
We let ourselves
Love everyone more
Than we love ourselves
To some degree
Give to anyone more
Than we give to ourselves
To some degree
Say yes to anyone
But ourselves
To some degree

To what degree?

To what degree
Do we cannibalize our strength
Our certainty
Our safety
Our peace
To give, to do
For anyone but ourselves?
Image: First Love Yourself, by Seidman