Saturday, November 18, 2006

Pronoia, Por Favor

Rob Brezny, I adore you. It was something over 20 years ago when I met you, I think at Paul Schraub's Halloween party. Or maybe one of the pajama parties. Who cares? What I remember is that you came up to me and said with the most curious look on your face, "What ARE you?" Well, not knowing you were asking me astrologically, I cocked my head and looked at you, like a puppy thinking it might have just heard what might be its name from someone who might be a friend. You repeated your question, then said, "I mean, what sign are you?" I said, Gemini, and you said, "and...?" Again not sure what you were asking, I said, "I beg your pardon?," as my grandmother taught me so graciously to say in these moments of confusion. "Moon? Rising? What else?" I confessed to knowing no more about this, and you said, "Well, we BOTH need to know more than THAT."
I was truly once and forever through the looking glass. You took my sketchy coordinates and a couple of days later told me, "Well, you are much than a Gemini. Looks like a triple. And you have taken what should have been an astrological tragedy to a high art form.You are the quintessential Gemini, and I am going to meditate on you for 5 minutes every week before I write the Gemini horoscope."
I will never know if that was your hookup line, but I never forgot it, and have followed your column religiously across the years, careers and continents. Once a graphic designer, now an international laserbabe, I live in Brazil (come visit this real lab of truth and beauty...) and still hold myself accountable to your assessment of me, and believe my life is meant to be an ever-evolving transformation of the ostensibly tragic to happy high art. I pass the blessing of you on to people all over the world, who do the same. You are the opportunistic virus of all time, for all time. Namaste, Rob. Namaste. Everyone else, get your own dose of pronoia at

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